Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Good and bad memories

In these chapters of the giver happens some interesting things. Jonas goes to the Annex and the Giver tells him that he needs to be taken some pain so he gives Jonas a painful memory of a body during war he was very thirsty and he had to watch how he died slowly. The Giver apologize for giving him that awful memory. The Giver gave Jonas some good memories trying to make up the terrible one. He gives him the memory of a birthday party, one that he was riding a horse, there he understood the bond between and animal and a human, and he gave Jonas his favorite a Christmas morning.
Jonas tells the Giver that he saw a family and also he learned of "grandparents" Jonas understands that his parents had parents and so on, and he also saw another thing but he couldnt find the word until the Giver told him "LOVE". When Jonas got home he asked his parents that if they loved him they didnt answer and they told him to par attention to precision of language. The next day Jonas went to tell Asher the news about the free day, Jonas finds Asher playing with other kids as if thy were in war, Jonas took it very seriously because he had the memory of war and he knows how terrible it is. Jonas wants them to stop playing but Asher was mad at him, he didnt uderstood why it affected so much Jonas. At night Father tell all the family about his work tomorrow, he had a twins release. The next day Jonas ask the Giver about relesases, he sometimes wantes to get released but he couldnt until Jonas gets trained, and Jonas coulnt ask for release eather that was one of his rules. Jonas asked about the failure of the other reciever before 10 years ago. Her name was Rosemary, the Giver felt love for her so he didnt want to trnsmit bad memories to her so for 5 weeks he gave her only good memories. But it was her job and the Giver needed to give her also the other memories so he started with kids taken away freom parents, with bad memories she was no longer happy.
He said that Rosemary one day at the end of a session she kissed him on the cheek and left. Rosemary asked fpr release and she was never seen again. The community was a caos because the memories that she had came to the community when she left.

Text Responses.

"And somebody else comes to get him? Somebody from Elsewhere?"

"That's right, Jonas-bonus." (137)

Who will come? is that actually true or they are just saying that so they dont have to reveal the ugly truth about releasing, also with Elsewhere what do people in the community think about Elsewhere, they think that is exist and everyone lives with the perspective that it actually exists, but what if not? They will be very disappointed because no one wants to live deceived. 
If Jonas father is lying and telling him that someone will pick up Gabe and take him to Elsewhere he is doing it without regret like nothing is happening  "thats right Jonas- bonus" he seems like he is telling the truth. But is he??


"Do you love me?"
There was an awkward silence for a moment. Then Father gave a little chuckle. "Jonas. You, of all people. Precision of language, please!" (127)

OMG! I never thought that his PARENTS would say that to his son! In a normal world parents love their kids and make them feel that they are loved and protected.   I felt very bad for Jonas in that moment, he must had felt a vacuum in his heart. What kind of comunity is this, it is suposed to be without pain but when you know the truth everything is upside down. 

Final Thoughts
In these chapter Jonas knows more about feelings (war, love) Now when he hears people saying i am sad or angry he knows what that really means and that those people dont because they dont have the memories.   


  1. Nicole. I liked your summary very much, I think all the details that you added made it perfect for it to be more interesting and easy to understand. The second text response you had shocked me as well as you, when I read it. I thought that parents loved their kids in the community as well, until this part. Like you said, parents are supposed to love and care about their kids no matter what. Your final thought is what I think as well, but we can't blame them for not knowing anything about love and war to the community because they don't know about memories. I will keep reading your posts Nicole!

  2. Marti! thankyou for your comment, I apriciate that you liked what I wrote and is good that you agree with what I think about Jonas parents. I will keep posting more about this interesting novel, hope you read it and obviously like it.
